School Meals & Snack Time
Lunch time
Lunches are eaten as a school community in the school hall. The children sit in mixed age groups to ensure younger children can be supported by older children. The table 'monitors' sit at the head of each table. These are the oldest children in our school and they role model and encourage children to eat politely and calmly. The Headteacher/Teacher and a Teaching Assistant supervises the Lunches and playtime.
As part of our COVID 19 risk assessment, we will not eat in the hall together. Beech and Willow Classes will eat in their classrooms and Oak Class will use the hall. The tables will be cleared and cleaned prior and after lunch.
Hot Lunches
Hot lunches may be bought from the West Sussex catering service, Chartwells. Lunches are free for children in Year R, 1 & 2 and for pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium. Steamplicity Meals can be booked directly with Chartwells. To see their website, view menus and order hot meals Click here
Please click here to link to the Chartwell's information page.
Free School Meals
To check whether you are eligible for your child to have Free School Meals, please click here. This takes you to a link on the West Sussex County Council Website. Please note: all children up to Year 2 are entitled to free meals.
It is still important to check if your child is entitled, as this also unlocks other support such as free places for holiday sports and play schemes and vouchers for food during the holiday.
Lunch Boxes
If children prefer, they are able to bring a packed lunch. It is part of the school Food Policy that sweets are not permitted in lunch boxes. A drink is not required as water is provided. Children are encouraged to eat in a 'sensible' order and any uneaten food is taken home, for you to monitor their food intake.
Healthy Snacks, Milk and Water
As part of our Healthy Eating policy all children may bring a snack of fresh fruit or vegetables. Milk is also available at a subsidised price for children aged 5 and above. Click Here to register your child/ren.
The children in Willow class are provided with free, daily fruit snacks and therefore do not need to bring an extra snack. They are also entitled to free milk until they turn 5. You must still register your child: Click Here.
We recognise the importance of drinking water for health, well-being and improving academic achievement and social behaviour. Adults and children are encouraged to drink water throughout the day. The school provides every child with a bottle which is filled from our water cooler each day.